Team Objectives: Create a "master plan" document to gather our prototypes and planning in, and start fleshing out all scenes with scripts, audio + visual mood boards, and sketches.
In our last meeting, Emily and I spent another 2-3 hours together working on the story outline, and decided to look into recruiting a third project contributor to design our audio. Alone, I set up the master plan document and wrote rough drafts of scripts.
Script for Scenes 1-4
These rough drafts fill in some important story details, notably a backstory for Mira's rebellious grandmother. Read here.

"Story Bible", a.k.a. Monstrous Google Slides Master Plan
I also put together this template for a Google Slides deck which we can use to hold all of our planning resources and prototypes for each scene. This will help me remember to work on all of the different aspects for each story: creative writing, "look and feel" aesthetics, technical implementation, and UX. I've filled out a few slides already + will continue to update it over the next few weeks. (Note from Future Lillie: I didn't continue to update this, it was too much organizational effort and didn't simplify my life very much. Live and learn!)

Excerpt from Emily's post
This week we worked on outlines of each story, adding necessary plot links, motifs, and story lines. We decided upon the specific user experience (UX) functions, and started to talk about the styles and formats each episode will occur in. We also started to discuss the possibility of hiring sound designers and voice actors to assist us in details that may go by the wayside if we focus on visuals and coding... In this same vein we started adding detail and bulk to each of the mini stories. Lillie began drafting some of the stories and the characters’ journal entries that accompany, and I developed mood boards for each story. I also drew out some rough sketches for some scenes in some stories.
In addition to the visual elements compiled and designed, I developed an “auditory moodboard” for each story to continue to create more realized versions of the stories. I made a playlist on Spotify with songs that match the feel of the stories, and in addition I compiled some diegetic sounds from